IT Support & Operations

Rekrytering och konsulter inom IT-support, infrastruktur, systemadministration, molntjänster och IT-drift.

Business IT

Rekrytering och konsulter - ledare och verksamhetsnära roller inom t.ex. projektledning, kravanalys, test och affärssystem.

Software & Development

Rekrytering av utvecklare – med specialisering inom backend och frontend, DW/BI-databas, mjukvaruarkitekter och CTO-roller.

Wise IT Inhouse

Din professionella rekyteringspartner inhouse hos er - IT-rekryterare, IT-researchers, konsultation och rekryteringsåtaganden.

Frame agreement between Wise IT and Telia

Wise IT are experts at competence solutions within IT

We are Wise IT

We work with consultants and recruitment within IT. We empower people and organizations to realize and fulfill dreams. By matching candidates and companies with each other, we create opportunities for both the companies and the individuals to change their own future. We are specialists who work with other specialists and together we build the IT organizations of the future.

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Simply knowing competence solutions within IT isn't enough for us!

We need to be experts within different fields of IT in order for us to successfully help companies acquire the right IT skills. Whether it’s within support and infrastructure or technology – we need to be experts in communicating with candidates and consultants within all different IT areas. These are our specialized areas!


We offer tailored and straightforward recruitment solutions within IT. During the recruitment process we always work according to a competence-based method to ensure that we find the best candidates for your business.

Our recruitment process

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